Awaken Your Radiant Heart, Peaceful Mind and Vibrant Body!
This is a ONE DAY Workshop and includes two classes w/ a one hour lunch break –
Sign up for the Whole Day or Just One Class
Sunday Morning: 10:30a-1p ~
Yoga class for a Radiant Heart & Vibrant Body ~ Practice includes standing poses, hip openers, shoulder openers, backbends, partner work, mantra chanting, journal writing, and group sharing.
Sunday Afternoon: 2-4:30p ~
Yoga for a Peaceful Mind ~ Practice includes hip openers, leg stretches, twists, mantra chanting, pranayama, meditation, Yoga Nidra, journal writing, and group sharing.
Both Classes – $155
Morning Class ONLY – $90
Afternoon Class ONLY – $90
To Register – http://ashayayoga.com/wellesley
CEU’s available for yoga teachers through Yoga Alliance ~ 5 hrs for Whole Day
Affirm you life ~
~ Release the veils of conditioning
~ Take your yoga practice to whole new depths
~ Tap Into a Higher Vibration of Stillness & Joy
~ Feel strong, confident, peaceful and openhearted
~ Tap into the infinite source of wisdom and healing within
~ Integrate your body, mind and heart through powerful yogic practices
~ Receive expert hands-on adjustments.
~ Enjoy Todd’s music and chanting.
Todd Norian is the founder of Ashaya Yoga. He has been teaching yoga and offering yoga teacher trainings for decades. He is an exceptional teacher and has taught many workshops at LDY throughout the years. He is back by popular demand and we love him. He is also an internationally acclaimed author and musician.
To Register – http://ashayayoga.com/wellesley