As studio owner and director, I welcome everyone to Laughing Dog. I hope the environment is such that people of all ages can benefit and experience the freedom and power of yoga and other movement and healing arts. I am committed to encouraging the creative growth of the Laughing Dog teachers –including myself- so we can be the best at what we do.
I teach what I love. I love the integrity, grace and mindfulness of Yoga and Yoga Nidra, the freedom and inspiration of Nia and the core focus and sculpting of Pilates and Beaming. I also draw on my many years as a licensed psychotherapist. In my classes, I hope to hold a space where we can all connect to the immensity of our hearts, the optimal strength and suppleness of our bodies, the joy of life and the creativity and fullness of the moment.
In teaching and practicing yoga for more than 20 years, I have been inspired and guided by many great teachers from a variety of traditions and styles. Because of this, my yoga classes are an eclectic blend of the flow of vinyasa, the wisdom of clearly articulated alignment and my many years of meditation practice.
In 2000, I began extensive study in the method of Anusara Yoga and completed my Anusara-Inspired Teacher Training in 2002. I have studied with many amazing teachers in this method, including John Friend, Todd Norian, Desiree Rumbaugh, Deb Neubauer and Marc St. Pierre. Other strong influences are the teachings and training of Tias Little, Rama Berch, Tom Alden, Patty Townsend, Bo Forbes, Doug Keller, Jenny Otto, Richard Miller – to name a few.
I am a Blue Belt in Nia and am continually amazed at the depth and joy of this practice. My Pilates training is through PhysicalMind Institute and West Coast Pilates. I am also certified in iRest Yoga Nidra.
Prior to opening Laughing Dog I practiced psychotherapy full-time. I was trained in both traditional and holistic models with an emphasis on Body- Oriented and Spiritual/Energetic Psychology and Expressive Therapy and the growing field of Positive Psychology.
I also practice Yoga/Pilates Therapy and have studied with many great teachers in these incredible modes of healing.
I gratefully thank all my mentors along the way and all the students and teachers at Laughing Dog for helping to create such a life affirming and supportive community.